We propose a camera-based mechanical man app. This app helps the blind per-sons to browse the text on explicit object. In this system camera captures the actual text on object. Multiple techniques square measure applied on it text. Such as Optical Character Recognition that supply the operate of scanning and recognition of text and a few have integrated voice output. From a grayscale image, thresholding are often accustomed produce binary pictures i.e. image with solely black or white colors, Filtering are often accustomed cut back the noise of image, Next image segmentation technique is employed to perform the method of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments .The goal of segmentation is to modify and/or amendment the illustration of a picture into one thing that's a lot of significant and easier to analyses. Image scaling is that the method of resizing a digital image. Next technique employed in this project is template matching. Temples matching is a way in digital image process for locating tiny components of a picture that match a template image. Also template extraction are often employed in producing as a vicinity of internal control, some way to navigate a mobile golem or as some way to notice edges in images then finally voice output are going to be generated then blind man will simply listen the text on it explicit object