many security primitives ar supported onerous mathematical issues. Mistreatment onerous AI issues for security is rising as associate exciting new paradigm, however has been underexplored. during this paper, we tend to gift a replacement security primitive supported onerous AI issues, namely, a unique family of graphical parole systems designed on high of Captcha technology, that we tend to decision Captcha as graphical passwords (CaRP). CaRP is each a Captcha and a graphical parole theme. CaRP addresses variety of security issues altogether, like on-line estimate attacks, relay attacks, and, if combined with dual-view technologies, shoulder-sur?ng attacks. Notably, a CaRP parole may be found solely probabilistically by automatic on-line estimate attacks although the parole is within the search set. CaRP additionally offers a unique approach to deal with the wellknown image hotspot downside in common graphical parole systems, like PassPoints that always ends up in weak parole selections. CaRP isn't a curative, however it offers affordable security and value and seems to ?t well with some sensible applications for rising on-line security