A steganography is an art of hiding confidential data into digital media such as image, audio ,video etc. Here we are going to combine the work of steganography along with image processing. To do this a texture synthesis process is used which re-samples input texture image to create a new texture synthesis image. Existing steganography process is much expensive and not so robust because if the size of the secret message increases it results into distortion of the image. A texture synthesis process provides embedding capacity so that to hide the large message. With the texture synthesis process the blank image is constructed from input image and the input image is divided into no. of different patches. These patches are given a patch ID and randomly pasted on the blank image. To do this , the index table is constructed which provides an entry for each patch. The index table is constructed by using a secret key so that the person having a secret key can only access the index table. Index table tells where to paste the patch on the blank image.