A greenhouse is a structure generally made of glass, designed to provide protection and controlled environment to raise plants indoors. In order to achieve high quality and quantity of produce, proper management and data collection of the greenhouse environment is required. Manual practice of plant monitoring is laborious and time consuming. The proposed greenhouse system is an application which demonstrates the concept of Internet of Things and involves ubiquitous monitoring and controlling of environmental parameters within the greenhouse, which directly or indirectly control the plant growth and so their production. There are many techniques available for the precision agriculture to monitor and control, environment for the growth of many crops. Due to unequal distribution of rain water, it is very difficult to requirement needed farmer to manage the water equally to all the crops in whole farm it requires some irrigation method that suitable for any weather condition, soil types and variety of crops. Green House is the best solution to Control and manage all this problem .It is more important to search a method that gives perfect analyzation and controlling to develop proper environment. Large areas covered by sensor network this can establish greenhouse with precision environment required for different crops. This environment builds up by using two technologies it and cloud computing. By using IOT (Internet on things), we control devices or any environmental needs anytime, anywhere.