The Image Retrieval system is implementing antecedently on varied parameters likewise an image retrieval system returns a collection of images from a set of images within the information to fulfill user’s demand with image content similarity, edge pattern similarity, color similarity, etc. within the existing system varied algorithmic program is use like compression algorithmic program, Image concealment algorithmic program for Watermaking, Block Truncation secret writing, Clifford pure mathematics that is employed to outline color alteration , Block truncation algorithmic program , Digital Image process , Block improvement and Arithmetic secret writing supported bar chart , BTC with different color house, Data-Driven parallel Implementation with BTC, VQ codeword search Technique. A picture retrieval system offers AN economical thanks to access or retrieves a collection of comparable pictures by directly computing the image options from an image as according by exploitation totally different styles of techniques also as algorithms. Just in case of projected system, image retrieval is given by exploiting the ODBTC encoded information stream to construct the image options, specifically Color Co-occurrence and Bit Pattern options.